Week beginning - Monday 6th June 2022


This week in Forest School we incorporated some #30DaysWild activities into our afternoon! The children made binoculars, were encouraged to hug a tree because trees give us clean air and store carbon which helps with climate change and we need to remember to love them back and create maps of where the wildlife can be found around school. Year 2 also loved pond dipping and painting. Thank you to Miss Coles, Miss Villalba and Jeanette for all their help too. 

We are incorporating cooking into our DT lessons this half term. This week group 1 made pancakes with Miss Coles, they measured out the ingredients to make the batter and then with her help, cooked their pancake. The children were able to choose their own toppings!  

This week the children sketched their final piece for our art project around Henri Rousseau. The children applied the skills that they have learnt over the last 7 art lessons to sketch their picture, inspired by 'Tiger in a Tropical Storm'. After sketching, the children used water colour to paint their work. 

In maths this week we have been exploring position and direction. The children were reminding of the following mathematical language: forwards, backwards, left, right, clock-wise, anti-clockwise, diagonal, quarter turn, half turn, half turn, full turn. The children used the dinosaurs to show their understanding of position and direction. 

This week the children were introduced to the fiction text, The Emperor's Egg. Before reading the book, the children were encouraged to make predictions about the story. The children also had the opportunity to sequence the story in chronological order. To further their learning, some children added captions. This morning the children have shown that they can recall information from the text by answering comprehension questions. 


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