
Showing posts from September, 2021

Week 3 - Monday 20th September 2021

 Year 2 were excited to use the apparatus this week. They were able to recall their prior knowledge from these pieces of equipment from Year 1 and extend their learning by travelling in a wider variety of ways, in different directions and from differing heights.  In Geography this week, the children have been exploring aerial views. They have learnt that an aerial photograph is taken from above. Using a variety of resources, the children had the opportunity to make a messy map (an aerial view of the school grounds).  In English we have bee continuing with our talk for writing map and learning the story through actions. We spent some time discussing adjectives and how we could use these alongside our Three Little Pigs learning. We considered the: pigs, mother pig, cooking pot, house and wolf, sharing ideas of adjectives relating to these. Today the children independently wrote some sentences about these. The children were encouraged to include interesting adjectives.